
Dr. McGrinder,
I just wanted to thank you so very much for helping our daughter arrive safely and for all that you did for me and her during the pregnancy. Back when I was turning 18 and needed to start going to the GYN, my mom spoke so highly of you and tried to talk me into seeing you. At that point I was not comfortable seeing a male doctor, but I told her "maybe when I have a baby someday I wouldn't mind him delivering him/her." Almost 10 years later I was at that point, and kept seeing other doctors and things kept getting more and more stressful. Each time I was able to see you I experienced a little more clarity and felt better about things. As we got closer to the end of things, we became increasingly more anxious and everyone there did a nice job of getting us through it… but I kept hoping that you would be the one to deliver our baby. When you suggested that I be induced… I couldn't have been happier. [My husband] and my mom always tell me that I get everything I want, and somehow it happened again! Everyone asked how the experience went and they don't really believe me when I say "Great!" I didn't mean the whole thing of course because being hooked up to monitors and an IV for 20+ hours is not my idea of a good time…. But when it was time to deliver [my daughter], it was truly an enjoyable experience, and that was because of you (and Tara… she was wonderful). The whole thing was actually truly great… and of course it ended with the best moment of our lives. My mom told me after that your shift was done and you could have gone home. But you stayed to bring [my daughter] into the world and we truly appreciated that more than words can say. I believe that every decision you made and advice you gave along the way was the right one and having you there at that moment was icing on the cake. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!